Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Would You Like to See How This Works?

I guess it was inevitable. As most things, I will generally fervidly oppose doing something I would enjoy purely to maintain my dignity until I eventually cave and give in. This has happened on several occasions. Most topically is probably facebook; I got on to that, after resisting for a little while, and got really into it. Most recently would have to be Texas, I'm starting to accept the fact that I was born here (but that may be out of spite in order to aggravate the people who wish they were born here) and I am actually enjoying living here now.

Like most people who blog (not all), I am under the impression that what I have to say is important, insightful, intelligent, pertinent, controversial, indisputable, poignant, divine, astute, clever, soulful, sorrowful, sagacious, apathetic, sympathetic, exclusive, exceptional or any combination thereof. But unlike most people, my blog most unambiguously will be all of the former. By this time you should be aware of why this blog is titled the way it is. If not? Don't let the door bestow upon you a sense of humor on the way out.

Back to how this works; I'll give you a brief overview of the last 27 years and 8 seconds. Ready? Born in Texas, moved to several Middle Eastern countries, back to the US, middle school, loser, nerd, geek, straight As, baseball, Colorado, broken bones, Houston, high school, loser, nerd, drivers license, manual transmission, England, loser, nerd, rugby, college, loser, nerd, COOL, aerospace, rugby, band practice, beer, Texas, NASA, NEEEERRRD, graduate school, physics, fiancee, dogs, house, nerd. Then you click the button to follow my blog. Are you surprised I'm still a nerd? No? Then we'll end on, "then you click the button to follow my blog."

1 comment:

  1. NERD! NERD! *points finger*...wait a minute I'm following...
